Thursday, December 3, 2009

IP&T 301 Modules 3&5

I think Carol Gilligan's criticism of Kohlberg's theory in module 5 is interesting. I do not think there could be alot of research on the differences that women and men are different when it comes to theri moral compassess. I do somewhat see however how Carol Gilligan can argue that point. It is interesting to me, because i never thought about it. But in my life i know that when it comes to morality, i do think more about others and my relationship with others instead of the rights of individuals.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Internet Safety Reflection

 I completed sections 1-3 of the PLE
1.Article: (Kids Smart Web Site)

 2. The videos i watched were about trying on new identities. Students try on all these identities through Myspace and Facebook. The videos showed how kids these days are beginning to become less and less concerned with privacy and discretion. The videos showed us how student addiction to the internet can take over a persons life. The students become less social around their families and more confined to their rooms, where they spent most of their time on their computers.

3. Take-Away: I love reading talks that the apostles give. They always have revelation about the things that are important to us. I feel like internet safety is so important in our homes. In Elder. Bednar's talk he spoke to the youth about knowing what the real things are. I feel like this is so important in these days where there are so many people who are creating identities that are other than their own online. I also think that all the guidelines in the Provident Living guidelines for Internet Safety are guidelines that i am going to use as a mother to implement in my home to protect my children against the dangers of online predators.

4. i. The person that i interviewed knew some of the internet safety rules for hr home and what she would do to be aware of her children s activity on the internet.

ii. The person was completely shocked when i told them about the website that people could go onto and have a completely different life. She was also horrified at the story that i told her about  the girl that met a guy online and in the end he killed her.

iii. I was surprised because i guess i assumed that everyone knew these things about the internet and about steps to take to prevent these things from happening in your home.

iv.I hope that the person will go home and enforce some of the rules that i have shared with her.