Thursday, December 3, 2009

IP&T 301 Modules 3&5

I think Carol Gilligan's criticism of Kohlberg's theory in module 5 is interesting. I do not think there could be alot of research on the differences that women and men are different when it comes to theri moral compassess. I do somewhat see however how Carol Gilligan can argue that point. It is interesting to me, because i never thought about it. But in my life i know that when it comes to morality, i do think more about others and my relationship with others instead of the rights of individuals.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Internet Safety Reflection

 I completed sections 1-3 of the PLE
1.Article: (Kids Smart Web Site)

 2. The videos i watched were about trying on new identities. Students try on all these identities through Myspace and Facebook. The videos showed how kids these days are beginning to become less and less concerned with privacy and discretion. The videos showed us how student addiction to the internet can take over a persons life. The students become less social around their families and more confined to their rooms, where they spent most of their time on their computers.

3. Take-Away: I love reading talks that the apostles give. They always have revelation about the things that are important to us. I feel like internet safety is so important in our homes. In Elder. Bednar's talk he spoke to the youth about knowing what the real things are. I feel like this is so important in these days where there are so many people who are creating identities that are other than their own online. I also think that all the guidelines in the Provident Living guidelines for Internet Safety are guidelines that i am going to use as a mother to implement in my home to protect my children against the dangers of online predators.

4. i. The person that i interviewed knew some of the internet safety rules for hr home and what she would do to be aware of her children s activity on the internet.

ii. The person was completely shocked when i told them about the website that people could go onto and have a completely different life. She was also horrified at the story that i told her about  the girl that met a guy online and in the end he killed her.

iii. I was surprised because i guess i assumed that everyone knew these things about the internet and about steps to take to prevent these things from happening in your home.

iv.I hope that the person will go home and enforce some of the rules that i have shared with her.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Week 12 Technology in my classroom

During the practicum I was in the Salt Lake City District, at Newman Elementary school. I was in third grade and loved it. One of the third grade classes had a computer at each student’s desk. The students got to work on the computers pretty much all the time. In the classroom I was in there was only two computers. In the morning we would use the computers to record the students reading minutes. The students were also able to use the computers during literacy centers as part of a center for literacy or math. Other than the computer, we had limited use and availability of any technology. We did have a Elmo, but even that was not very useful as it was not the newest Elm and therefore gave us a lot of problems. I think if my teacher had more access to technology, she would have used it more, I know that she was a fan of technology. In lessons where the Elmo could have been used, it was. In some of the lessons, I think power points could have been useful, to make things more visual for the students. In all I think that we definitely could have used more technology if it was more available to us.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

IP&T 301 Motivation

1. I think the students in my classroom in the cohort were more extrinsically motivated more than intrinsically motivated. Most of the time the students would perform an activity or follow a rule for the reward that follwed e.g. table points to get a trinket or free time.

2. Informal raise can enhance intrinsic motivation, while controlled praise can undermine it. When it is unexpected praise students feel good about what they have done, instead of telling students "they should keep up the good work" Rewards can enhance extrinsic motivation as students who are extrinsically motivated are motivated by rewards and tangible things.

3. Expectancies are students expectations of succeeding. When students have a high competency belief, students are instrinsically motivated to complete a task, to have a feeling of completion or completing a challenging task. Values has an influence on extrinsic motivation, because students have a reason to complete a task. When students know that they are going to be rewarded.

4.  Student -level Techniques in the classroom happened often: I saw that our mentor teacher would always give students praise for effort, letting students know that they were trying hard and that their hard work was worth rewarding. When students were off task the teacher would positively reinforce them and let them know that the choices they are making is goin to affect thier work. When students did not complete their homework, she would let them know, it was not because they did not understand but because they made the decision not to put any effort into it.
Classroom-Level Technique: Every Monday morning the students would complete what they called a ATB, they would write their goals for the week. What they wanted to accomplish, what they wanted to get on theri math test, and some of the things they wanted to learn. This way the teacher taught the students to make short term goals that they could acheive becuase they set them.

5. I think i most agree with the self-worth theory. I think alot of students do things because they do not want to seem like they are less important or less smart then thier peers. I also think that trying to increase students self-worth can help them realize their abilities, and try harder and i think it allows students to become more intrinsically motivated. The students become motivated by the activity itself.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Inside Kapunahala:
Bookends of war:

In the videos: Inside Kapunahala and Bookends of War, I noticed that the students were excited about using technology. In inside Kapunahala, the students had their responsibilities in the crew for creating this station and using technology to record the information they had. One of the students said they she is now a better speaker and can speak her mind because of the opportunities she has had to be par to creating the TV station. I think this type of technology is very advantageous for students. In Bookends of War the students were excited to be recording their information and working on the computers. In all I think students enjoy technology and creating their own websites. I thought it was a great idea to display students work on their own class website. Publishing the work online I think gives the students a sense of accomplishment and also feel important to know that their work is online where everyone can see.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lesson planning and video response

Language Arts:

While watching the videos I learned the importance of integrating technology with your studnets in your lesson plans. There are so many things that students can learn to use. I feel like technology, if it is available can enrich a lesson tremendously. In the I like spiders vidoes, students learned how to use cameras and take pictures and how to send those pictures to Missouri. While studnets are learning about spiders they are learning about Missouri at the same time. Technology can also allow you to integrate more than just one subject into 1 lesson.In the lesson students also learned how to make slide shows. I think for students, especially the younger grades, this could be so exiciting. I also think that when students have direct connection to the technology being used, they learn alot more and they get more excited because they get to be like the teacher.