Tuesday, November 24, 2009

IP&T 301 Motivation

1. I think the students in my classroom in the cohort were more extrinsically motivated more than intrinsically motivated. Most of the time the students would perform an activity or follow a rule for the reward that follwed e.g. table points to get a trinket or free time.

2. Informal raise can enhance intrinsic motivation, while controlled praise can undermine it. When it is unexpected praise students feel good about what they have done, instead of telling students "they should keep up the good work" Rewards can enhance extrinsic motivation as students who are extrinsically motivated are motivated by rewards and tangible things.

3. Expectancies are students expectations of succeeding. When students have a high competency belief, students are instrinsically motivated to complete a task, to have a feeling of completion or completing a challenging task. Values has an influence on extrinsic motivation, because students have a reason to complete a task. When students know that they are going to be rewarded.

4.  Student -level Techniques in the classroom happened often: I saw that our mentor teacher would always give students praise for effort, letting students know that they were trying hard and that their hard work was worth rewarding. When students were off task the teacher would positively reinforce them and let them know that the choices they are making is goin to affect thier work. When students did not complete their homework, she would let them know, it was not because they did not understand but because they made the decision not to put any effort into it.
Classroom-Level Technique: Every Monday morning the students would complete what they called a ATB, they would write their goals for the week. What they wanted to accomplish, what they wanted to get on theri math test, and some of the things they wanted to learn. This way the teacher taught the students to make short term goals that they could acheive becuase they set them.

5. I think i most agree with the self-worth theory. I think alot of students do things because they do not want to seem like they are less important or less smart then thier peers. I also think that trying to increase students self-worth can help them realize their abilities, and try harder and i think it allows students to become more intrinsically motivated. The students become motivated by the activity itself.

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