Wednesday, September 30, 2009


1.Helping students pay attention and helping students store and retrieve information effectively are the two most useful intructional strategies. There are various strategies under each strategy to help the students with these functions. I think it is important to help students with these strategies so that they remember the work that is being taught so that they can be assessed according to what they know. If we can help students remember and help them retrievei information it will make our jobs easier for one, but it will also help them draw connections with previous and current work.

2. Low-road transfer: involves the spontaneous , automatic transfer of highly practical skills, with little need for reflective thinking. Automaticity occurs when a person performs a task very fast. E.g.1. A soccor player knows that when the ball is coing towards him he has to kick it. He has learned this skill and now it is something that he/she does automatically. E.g.2. When we read, we read from left to right, it is something that we have become proficient in and thats how we have been taught, so without thinking about it when we pickup a book, we automatically read from left to right.

High-road transfer: a strategy where an individual purposefully and consciously applies general knowledge.e.g. 1 In a math problem to multiply fraction, i might try to remeber how i would use that multiplication strategy to solve another multiplication strategy that i previously have. E.g. 2 When i cook a specific dish i might try an remember the strategies i used when i cooked it before, so that i might make is as good as it was last time.

3. I think problem-solving transfer and analogical transfer i have seen used the most in a classroom of public education. Students in subjects may need to recall analgies to help with new ones and also in math students use problem solving strategies used before to solve new problems.

4. I use algorithms in math class all the time. A prescribed sequence of steps to achieve a goal.
I have use heuristics when i sew, i estimate how much material i will need when i look at a specific person to figure out how much material will be needed to make a shirt for that person, by looking at their figure, weight and height. I do not take the formal steps in taking the exact measurements, but i make an educated guess about how much material i will need.

Virtual Tour Planner

Grade 3
Standard 2, Objective 1 a

Identify the elements of culture (e.g. language, religion, customs, artistic expression, systems of exchange).

I chose this content as i thought it would be interesting to use google earth to give the students the opportunity to explore the different cultures in various ways other then just seeing a picture.
I also chose this content because i like learning new things about different cultures and i feel like every time i create a lesson plan or something about cultures i learn something new. The representation of the subject in Google earth i think can be very useful to students. It helps students visualize the content more and that way it means more to the students and they remember more.

Location Activity DescriptionGoogle Earth Content
1. Colosseum.Rome, Italy.
Make sure that you have the 360 icon checked in the layers column and take a 360 tour of the inside of the Colosseum. Write a journal of what you think it might have felt to be in the middle of the Colosseum and tell me what you hear and feel if the entire building was full of people cheering for you.

Image of a gladiator:

2. South Africa
Make sure the national geographic box is checked and the Africa megaflyover, and look at the sheep picture. The tribes lived in sparse spaces of land and survived on the land. Their dances from the you tube video is how they praised and gave thanks for the things that they had and also to prepare themselves for war. After watching the you tube video and investigating the land that they lived on, write down a few things you think you would need to live on scarce land like this. When your writing your ideas, view it as things you would need if you were the africans back then.

Zulu dance video

3. Birla- Mandir, New deli in India.
Look at the panaramio view of the temple and tell me how the arcitecture of the colosseum differs to that of the temple and what you think each type of building tell you about the roman culture and the indian culture.

Map of India

4. singapore, chine
Make sure that the 360 icon is checked and do a tour of the sculptures. There are four sculptures that are there, expalin what each sculpture looks like and if you think it is an expresssion od chinese culture.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Week 4 Intelligence

1. i would make sure students knew how to identify and understand their own emotions first, by role playing and storytelling where students express their emotions a positive way. I would then make sure that students knew how to identify other students emotions: again i would have skits or have the children role play. I would also model communication skills. After the students recognise thier own and their peers emotions, i would have activities to regulate emotion. I would have a mini lesson maybe in the first week of the school year to model activities that would help students use their emotions as a learning experience and how to turn their negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Lastly i would promote self-motivation, by modeling a class encourages making mistakes and correcting them and making sure students feel like no mistake is a mistake that cant get corrected.

2.I think Gardner's Multiple Intelligences would be more useful to me as a teacher. I think all students learn in different ways and if we as teachers can use these multiple Intelligences to help identify the different ways students learn, we can create lesson plans around the ways that students learn best.

3.I don't know if i am all for IQ tests, but as i was reading, i think there are so many factors that can influence how a student performs on any given test at any given time, but i do think that there may be a use in the individually administered IQ tests. It determines what is needed for an individual student, for placement or curriculum changes needed for that student.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

digital story

I had fun making this digital story, i think it will be a great tool in creating interesting lessons and getting students engaged in the lesson. I think a major challenge in using a digital story in an elementary school classroom, would be the copy right issues. It is so easy to get access to so many free resources on the web, that we often times just copy and paste and don't realize that we are taking some one else's work. And we also need to find digital stories or create digital stories that cover elementary curriculum.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

week 3 PLE....TPAK and storyboard

1. I understand TPACK to be the combination of pedegogical, content and technology knowledge. I think it is important for a teacher to understand this concept as it is important to know the right learning tool to use to teach the correct content and teaching that content through various types of technology. I think it helps teachers relate more to student what is being taught and it helps students relate more to their work, if the right learning environment is created through using technology in creative ways.

2.For our digital story project, the standards we have chosen are: Standard 1 ,Objective 2 develop language through viewing media and presenting and Standard 4, Objective 1 demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between letters and sounds. Both standards are for Kindergarten. Our digital story will help teach this content because it will go through all the letters of the alphabet and teach students what they sound like through oral language. The story will be drawn pictures of the alphabet letters and animals that start with that letter. The pictures will also help students develop and association with letters and animals.

Link to storyboard:

week 3 questions from IP&T 301

1. Examples of summative assessment: tests, quizzes, paper and student portfolios. Formative assessment: self-assessments, peer assessments, learning logs and reflective journal. A formative can be used as a summative assessment later. formative and summative assessment work in concert to track progress in important learning.

2. A standardized achievemnet test is a test that measures current knowledge, what a student knows at a specific time. A standardized aptitude test is to test what a student may potemtially know int the future. An achievement test is a criterion- referenced and an aptitude test is a norm- refernced test.

3. I think any principle should be concerned about fallen test scores. Some of the factors that some of the teachers mentioned may have caused some difficulty for students to take the tests, but i general if scores have lowered to years in a row, then i, as i apriciple would be concerned about the the curriculum and the instruction.

4. As a teacher the modules can help me determine the best way to assess students and what assessments would work best for different learning outcomes.As a parent i would now understand how to evaluate how the tests are scored and how i would be able to track my childs achieevement and what he/she needs to work on.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Week two, what i thought was most useful and why?

I thought it was very useful to be able to create a website. Although i was a little frustrated at doing the assignment, because i hadn't done anything like this before, so it took a long time. It is now useful to know how to create a website for my students one day , when i am teaching/ I think a website it helpful as it can help parents stay in touch with what their students are doing in class and keep up to date with the content that is being taught. I think you can be so creative with a website and creating one.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

technology background

I Love the internet and the availability of information that we have access to. I do however have no technology background except for facebook and email and surfing the web, so i am no very good at all in the technology area.
I have taken computer courses on powerpoint and microsoft and thins like that, so i know the basics.......
not very much