Wednesday, September 16, 2009

week 3 questions from IP&T 301

1. Examples of summative assessment: tests, quizzes, paper and student portfolios. Formative assessment: self-assessments, peer assessments, learning logs and reflective journal. A formative can be used as a summative assessment later. formative and summative assessment work in concert to track progress in important learning.

2. A standardized achievemnet test is a test that measures current knowledge, what a student knows at a specific time. A standardized aptitude test is to test what a student may potemtially know int the future. An achievement test is a criterion- referenced and an aptitude test is a norm- refernced test.

3. I think any principle should be concerned about fallen test scores. Some of the factors that some of the teachers mentioned may have caused some difficulty for students to take the tests, but i general if scores have lowered to years in a row, then i, as i apriciple would be concerned about the the curriculum and the instruction.

4. As a teacher the modules can help me determine the best way to assess students and what assessments would work best for different learning outcomes.As a parent i would now understand how to evaluate how the tests are scored and how i would be able to track my childs achieevement and what he/she needs to work on.

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