Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Virtual Tour Planner

Grade 3
Standard 2, Objective 1 a

Identify the elements of culture (e.g. language, religion, customs, artistic expression, systems of exchange).

I chose this content as i thought it would be interesting to use google earth to give the students the opportunity to explore the different cultures in various ways other then just seeing a picture.
I also chose this content because i like learning new things about different cultures and i feel like every time i create a lesson plan or something about cultures i learn something new. The representation of the subject in Google earth i think can be very useful to students. It helps students visualize the content more and that way it means more to the students and they remember more.

Location Activity DescriptionGoogle Earth Content
1. Colosseum.Rome, Italy.
Make sure that you have the 360 icon checked in the layers column and take a 360 tour of the inside of the Colosseum. Write a journal of what you think it might have felt to be in the middle of the Colosseum and tell me what you hear and feel if the entire building was full of people cheering for you.

Image of a gladiator:

2. South Africa
Make sure the national geographic box is checked and the Africa megaflyover, and look at the sheep picture. The tribes lived in sparse spaces of land and survived on the land. Their dances from the you tube video is how they praised and gave thanks for the things that they had and also to prepare themselves for war. After watching the you tube video and investigating the land that they lived on, write down a few things you think you would need to live on scarce land like this. When your writing your ideas, view it as things you would need if you were the africans back then.

Zulu dance video

3. Birla- Mandir, New deli in India.
Look at the panaramio view of the temple and tell me how the arcitecture of the colosseum differs to that of the temple and what you think each type of building tell you about the roman culture and the indian culture.

Map of India

4. singapore, chine
Make sure that the 360 icon is checked and do a tour of the sculptures. There are four sculptures that are there, expalin what each sculpture looks like and if you think it is an expresssion od chinese culture.

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